Conquering Diseases

Study Of The Addition Of An Investigational Drug To Treatment Following Stem Cell Transplant For Multiple Myeloma


Seeking men and women who have had stem cell transplant for their multiple myeloma for a study of an investigational drug to be added to the usual maintenance treatment.


All participants will receive the standard maintenance treatment following stem cell therapy for multiple myeloma. Half of the participants will be randomly selected to receive the investigational drug in addition to the standard treatment. After two years of treatment, all participants will have a bone marrow aspirate to test for minimal residual disease. Depending on the outcome of that test, some participants may be randomized to stop maintenance therapy.

What we're hoping for

Evaluate whether adding the investigational drug to the usual treatment following stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma improves outcomes.

Additional Information Identifier: NCT04071457

 Principal Investigator

Muthalagu  Ramanathan, MD

UMass Memorial Health

 Study Contact

The Cancer  Research Office



UMass Chan University Campus

55 Lake Ave North 

Worcester,MA 01655
